
Jan 30, 2013

Thank you Auntie!

Wore this stripey maroon and black top with black palazzos. And that went with the long hoop shawl that was given by MIL dear. Just wore it loose and comfy even at work!
Oh yes...I have to get more of this kinda inner that I wore today. Never get those made from cotton...traps heat. This one is super cooling and very soft to the skin.
And what made my day today was this small talk made with one of the OSOs aka auntie who work at the school.
I was bz updating my class attendance in the office when the auntie said "Cikgu, you look nice today!" Haha! A big, big smile on my face.
So...I replied "Auntie, then every other day I don't look nice?"
"No la Cikgu, you wear like this, you look slimmer. Must always wear like this la..."
Hehehehehe! sweet leh Auntie. Ok la...then I need to go H&M to shop for more tops like this! ;))